Fifty years ago, Phyllis Schlafly revealed how the GOP “kingmakers,” using every trick in the book, “dictated the choice of the Republican presidential nominee just as completely as the Paris dressmakers control the length of women’s skirts.” Their
objective was to maintain control of a Republican Party that would echo the New Deal Democrats rather than offer voters a meaningful choice. Within a few months, over three million copies of A Choice Not an Echo had been sold, Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee for president, and Phyllis Schlafly was on her way to becoming one of the most important conservatives in American history. The party establishment was bloodied in the battle of 1964 but not vanquished. In this updated and expanded edition, Mrs. Schlafly continues her insider’s story of the fight for the soul of the Republican Party. From the Silent Majority to the Tea Party, conservative insurgents have won a few and lost a few more. But the stakes have never been higher than today. Amazingly timeless, A Choice Not an Echo remains the essential political guide for the friends of freedom.