Volume 2: Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Trump received massive local and national media coverage. It set off a firestorm in Trump opponents’ campaigns as they rushed to stop the movement of conservatives to Trump. Four days after Phyllis
Schlafly’s endorsement, Trump won the Missouri Republican Party beating favorite Ted Cruz by just 1,965 votes out of nearly 1 million cast. Trump went on to win the nomination. Before Phyllis endorsed Trump in downtown St. Louis, they met privately for what was a joy-filled meeting. Trump thanked her for her support. Phyllis sought his support for the conservative Republican platform which he gave. She also asked him to consider only pro-life judges in the mold of Justice Scalia and Trump agreed. Trump closed the meeting by saying he would not let her down. The Phyllis Schlafly Speaks series is a collection of books released by the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund to give the public access to Phyllis’s writings on a number of important topics.