Volume 5: In the early 70s, on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, equal rights sounded so good. But the devil was in the
details of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). For ERA were three Presidents, nearly all of Congress and most governors, the
media, and loud feminists. The opposition to ERA was Phyllis Schlafly and her band of wives and mothers. This book includes some reference to how Phyllis formed her army and maintained it. But it is more about her message. In crystal clear language, Phyllis laid out the reasons to oppose ERA and how to argue the opposition. Her Phyllis Schlafly Report from February 1972 might be the most powerful pamphlet since Thomas Paine—it was passed along from state house to state house and described as “what beat ERA” more than once. The Phyllis Schlafly Speaks series is a collection of books released by the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund to give the public access to Phyllis’s writings on a number of important topics.